Dance in Nazi Germany

By: Caroline Cox. Written as part of the course “Dance History: Concert Dance” In the early 20thcentury, prior to the election of Hitler as chancellor in 1933, Germany built the roots for today’s modern dance style. With the sensation of Ausdruckstanz, or Expression Dance, prolific choreographers such as Rudolf von Laban and Mary Wigman got…

The Inspiration for Social Change

By: Eman Simms. Written as part of the course “Renaissance Drama” For centuries, theatre has been a centerpiece for expression. Whether used as a means of conveying religious ideology, moral character, novel ideas, or just pure entertainment, theatre has become an antique artform that has gained exceptional appreciation as well as numerous amounts of criticism….

Reinventing Feminism: Black Women’s Theatre on the Modern British Stage

By: Rosalea Alger Featured artwork: “Qualia of Anxious Hands” by Alicia Legard   How does mainstream culture in Britain and across western society view Black women? Are their stories being told on a mass level? Despite the fact that representation of racial minorities, especially women within those minorities, is seriously lacking across many mass media…